Chris Heverling, LCSW

“I love helping people find a freedom from suffering and hopefully a sense of purpose for a more fulfilling life.”

Chris has over 25 years’ experience working with individuals, families, and systems in a variety of settings. Chris has worked in corrections, family services, child protective services, community mental health, and acute care. From these areas he developed a love for understanding mental health and the effects poor mental health have on individuals, families, and systems in a variety of settings.

He specializes in addiction of all kinds as addiction is not just or “always” chemical, co-occurring disorders, men with sexual abuse, anxiety, depression, spectrum disorders, and has a growing interest in eating disorders. Chris has prefers to use his talents in treating ages 16 years of age and older and prefers to take a team-oriented approach with the client. However, Chris has seen kiddos younger than this age and will on a case-by-case basis. Chris sees himself joining with those he works with to help individuals reach freedom from discomfort and learning how to navigate life even when un-avoidable discomfort comes into our lives. He enjoys helping you navigate and embody the confidence to step up with boldness in unavoidable life “pain points”. His greatest moments in counseling he describes as being able to assist someone in verbalizing that strength and confidence in the midst of challenge.

Increasing wellness looks different over time and in different situations. Ideally, Chris sees his mission as encouraging someone through being able to complete therapy and just attend “tune ups” when necessary. Typical techniques include CBT, REBT, SFBT, Mindfulness, AND Motivational Interviewing.